Comprehensive Integrated Mine Administration

Ionnix provides integrated solutions using RFID, GPS and VTS based solutions to enable the mining authorities and or government authorities to keep a vigil at the real-time activities taking place on the site and provide a dashboard for birds-eye view at the total operations.
The real-time activities carried out at mining along with the movement of trucks or mining vehicles or excavators providing the health of the vehicles using GPS, CAN-Bus protocol integrated with the google or proprietary maps giving temperature levels of the equipment as well.
RFID based integration for the vehicles carrying minerals from the mines to the stockyard along with weighbridge integration for minimal human intervention. The tare weight of the vehicle is taken at the time of entering the mine and the gross weight while exiting the mine, giving the exact weight of mineral carried out by the vehicle from the mine giving an overview of the actual mineral excavated from the mine.
Ionnix has developed an end-to-end integrated solution for Mine Administration named as CIMA - Comprehensive Integrated Mines Administration
Components of CIMA
- Mining Fleet Management – RFID Based
- Supply Chain Management
- Logistics Management
- Electronic Weighbridge Integration
- Restrictive Entry / Exit of people as well as vehicles – RFID Integration
- CCTV Based Surveillance across the mine
- Reducing Human Intervention
- Integration with Government Royalty Pass System
- Integration with existing ERP / Legacy System
- Connection to Multiple Mining Sites
- Secure Encrypted Cloud based access on Software as a Service Model (SAAS)
- AI Based MIS
Solution Architecture

RFID System Features

- UHF RFID integrated reader shall be installed at each entry/exit gates of mines. And the equipment shall be mounted with RFID tags on its wind shield.
- RFID Reader shall be rugged enough to work in mining environment
- The reader will be installed at sufficient distance to identify the tag and authenticate the vehicles for entry / exit.
- RFID system shall communicate with Control Centre by GPRS/ TCP/IP/ RS232
- RFID System shall be able identify the Equipment from distance of 20 - 25 Ft. diagonally with speed of 20-30 km/hr.
- Tag shall be destructed on removal. It shall be one time usage tag only.